Plogging for Poetry Month!
Helene Blowers over at Library Bytes posted some "Podcast Thoughts" last week where she made the case for libraries to podcast about current events, topics and culture. Helene's thoughts mirror mine precisely. In fact, it is something that I have been thinking about for several months and it finally came to fruition on April 2nd with the official launch of the PPL Poetry Podcast Blog for National Poetry Month.
We have recorded 26 poets so far and hope to do a few more before the end of the month. The poets all come from the greater Princeton area and each poet brings a unique voice and perspective to the project. For instance, Paul Muldoon, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 2003, did a beautiful reading of a pantoum for us and Enriqueta Carrington's poem was read by 2 poets in 2 languages while Judith McNally contributed a unique "microlouge". We have many more surprises in store for the rest of the month, including some wonderful poetry by a high school student.
This has been a real team project and with me every step of the way has been Evan Klimpl. Evan is one of our Tech Aides at PPL and I simply must give credit where credit is due. I may have had the original concept and coordinated the project, but it is Evan who responsible for doing 90% of the poetry recordings, cleaning up the files to make them sound professional, uploading the files, preparing many of the posts and anything else that I have requested. I can not thank Evan enough for embracing this project with the such enthusiasm and dedication. Also assisting with this project and deserving thanks are Bob Keith and Romina Gutierrez from PPL. And last, but certainly not least, in the early stages of this project my good friend John LeMasney gave me some invaluable advice about how we could do this project for free (which was one of my goals besides promoting poetry).
This is an idea that I hope other libraries will steal, because it is a project that can be done without having to make any investments -- except perhaps a decent microphone for recording ($35-50 maximum) if you don't already have one. Here is how we did it (in a nutshell):
- We used Audacity from to record and edit the .mp3 files
- The blog was set up at -- this is the free version of wordpress and it works well for a project such as this
- Our .mp3 files are being hosted at
- The player that we are using to in the posts comes free with wordpress
- We took photos while the readings were being recorded to ensure consistency
Labels: Audacity, Blogging, Podcasting, Poetry, Princeton Public Librayr
What a great use of podcasts. Very nice job PPL folks!
We run a concert series, some paid professional performances, some lunchtime lobby concerts which highlight local high school programs and staff musicians. We podcast exerpts of these ..
Thanks for the feedback and link love David. I would love to chat with you at CIL before or after our cybertours!
Nice use of podcasting at Morris County Library. We also have a music series and a series called "Readings over Coffee" that we are thinking of turning in to podcasts.
Janie - I love your poetry series and, in the category of "great minds think alike" we had been working on something similar for our poetry month podcasts here at Dowling College. You can see the line up here:
There is a lot of work involved and I commend you for pulling it all together.
Yes, nice work morris county library!
Janie - Let's definitely chat around cybertours or any other time for that matter. I'll keep an eye out for you.
Thanks, Janie - yours is a great use of open source software, and I hope everyone tries to do something like what you have here! Wordpress and Audacity make a fantastic team.
I have enjoyed the podcasts immensely. Thank you Evan and Janie!
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