One year and 200 posts later...
Today you're invited to join us in celebrating two milestones at the Garden: It's our one year anniversary, and by coincidence, this is our 200th post. I guess it's appropriate that the Library Garden sprouted up during the first week of Spring!
Some random thoughts:

First, It's been an honor and a pleasure blogging with the other regular bloggers here at LG, Janie, Robert, Marie, Amy and Ty. Old friendships have deepened, while new ones have been formed. The idea for Library Garden sprung into my head about 15 months ago, and was largely inspired by the wonderful group-blogging that was going on over at It's All Good. A special thanks to Alice, Alane, George and Eric for showing us how it could be done. (Chrystie came along later, and a fine addition she's made. Congrats on the LJ M&S!)
A special note of thanks also to Janie and Robert, for immediately agreeing to do the blog and encouraging me to get off my duff and actually start it. I could not imagine two more spirited partners!
I'd also like to thank Michael Stephens, Jenny Levine and Karen Schneider , three generous souls, for their early and continuing support. Thanks so very much for the link love, the encouragement, the comments, and the advice. If IAG inspired me to get going, you three inspired me to keep going.
Finally, I want to thank everyone (oh my god, this kinda sound like an Oscar speech...'my mom, sniff, my dad, snuffle...') who actually ever reads this blog. I'm always kind of surprised when I realize that anybody is reading it. So thanks for sweeping your peepers across our page.
Looking back over the last year I see that the Garden, while not sticking 100% to our original vision, has nevertheless found it's niche in the biblioblogosphere. My goals for the next year are to post a little more frequently and a little more personally, to do more interviews, to encourage more guest posting, and to add a new voice or two to the regular roster.
With much gratitude and appreciation in my sleepy little heart,
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Labels: anniversaries, library garden, Peter
I only just discovered your blog a few days ago, but I'm so pleased to be the first to wish you a Happy Blogiversary!
I'm the one that's honored. Your blog is always one of those that I recommend - you folks rock. Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to the coming year's 200+ posts :)
thanks Peter! i too am honored that IAG had a small place in your process. and congrats on your anny!
Just getting back into town and since I was up early, I thought I would see what’s up at the Garden. Thanks for the very kind words, Pete, and it’s truly a happy anniversary for all of us here at Library Garden! I think it has been a fantastic year and a very rewarding professional development ride for me, personally, along the way. I am proud to have assisted in a small way in getting our blog up and running and it’s been a privilege to be a voice for academic librarians within it. Looking forward to spending more time with you and everyone, in person at NJLA, and at the Garden!
Hi Anne,
Welcome to Library Garden and thanks for your Blogiversary wishes!
Jenny and Chrsytie, I really appreciate you both stopping by to wish us well. Thanks for your continued inspiration and for generously sharing your wonderful ideas, work, and writings with the library community.
And Robert, I don't even have the words to thank you for all you've brought into my life since we first me in February of 1998 at Train-the-Trainer. I felt like we were old friends in the first five minutes. I suspect many people feel that way upon meeting you, since you radiate such a spirit of friendly exuberance. :-) Looking forward to seeing you at NJLA!
Happy Belated Blogiversary to us! I have been so swamped this week at work and at home with a sick child that I have barely had time to sleep. I wanted to write a post worthy of this occasion, but I guess I will have to be satisfied with a comment to Pete's wonderful post for now.
Library Garden has brought so much to my life this past year. I am honored to blog with such outstanding and diverse librarians. Friendships have been made and/or strengthened in the last 12 months thanks to this blog.
I remember when we were thrilled to have 90 feeds a few months after we began LG, and I look in awe when I see the new ticker that Pete added that shows us up well over 1,000 feeds. Wow... thank you to everyone who reads and comments. We appreciate each and every single reader.
Our original goal was to post on average 3-4 times per week as a group. Since we hit the 200 mark on our 1st anniversary, that means we averaged 3.8 posts per week. I am looking forward to the next 200 posts and what they might bring.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at NJLA in a few weeks. Now, back to Mommy duties and my sick toddler.
One year! I can't believe it. The Garden is one of my very favorite blogs not just because of the content (which is really, really good) but because in your writings each of you always reminds me of the best of what libraries are all about whether its innovative ideas, thoughtful analysis or generosity of spirit. I love you guys!
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