User 2.0: Innovative Library Sites (Part 1 - Academic Libraries)

You may recognize this illustration from the work published in Diffusion of Innovations (1995) by the late Everett Rogers. A few weeks ago I posted a query on the dig_ref listserv asking this savvy group of librarians interested in virtual reference services to nominate the library sites that are the most "innovative" in terms of integrating Web 2.0 / social software applications. I have also incorporated sites discussed in programs I attended at ALA Mid-Winter in Seattle (January 2007), suggested by colleagues, or noted in listservs or journal articles.
Today I am posting the preliminary list of Innovative Academic Libraries from these sources. Eash listing also has a very brief note about social software applications featured by the library's website. I would like to thank David M. Dragos, Ph.D. student at Rutgers SCILS and Lynn Silipigni Connaway of OCLC for their help in compiling this list.
Again, this list is preliminary and not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to start a discussion. They are in alphabetical order.
I would like to invite you to leave a comment if your academic library is an innovator or if you know of others!
My next post (within the next day or so) will be Part 2 - Innovative Public Libraries.
Innovative Academic Library Websites
- Brooklyn College (NY)
Maintains a popular MySpace page. - Morrisville State College (NY)
Has a blog for news and events announcements as well as a presence on MySpace and Facebook. - Tutt Library, Colorado College (CO)
Flickr account, blogs for library news and book reviews, instant messaging as well as a wiki providing links and access to government information. - University of Huddersfield Library (UK)
Has an electronic resources wiki and a catalog with an integrated recommender system and list of related books. - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IL)
Maintains multiple blogs set up for news, announcements and subject topics; also podcasts and a MySpace account. - University of Pennyslvania's PennTags (PA)
PennTags, an academic oriented social bookmarking project, includes a cloud of popular tags. - Yale University Library (CT)
RSS feeds for news (including feeds for specific topics); multiple subject-specific library blogs, including law, medicine and art.
Labels: Academic Libraries, Diffusion of Innovation, Everett Rogers, Innovative Sites, Library 2.0, social software, web 2.0
You should take a look at the University of Minnesota Libraries' UThink, by which the Libraries make it possible for all University students, staff, and faculty to create their own blogs with minimal hassle. There are currently 4284 blogs with 54148 entries.
Also, the libraries maintain their staff pages in a wiki, where all of their planning documents - even, in fact, their budgets - are open for the world to see. Now that's radical transparency!
Thanks so much, I will check it out!
Dowling College Library has been podcasting since 2005, created toolbars specifically for our business and education students, provides a library news feed, a Flickr account, and IM reference.
Marie - In addition to what you mentioned already for Morrisville State College Libraries, we also use Google CSE as our search engine for our website and selected resources. I just added Igloo chat box that allows pour users to chat with our reference desk without having to install any software. We also have had some type of chat based reference service since 1994. It started out being a web based form and now uses AIM. Keep up the great work. We are also experimenting with a wiki for staff use.
Wow, neat to see Tutt Library on your list! Of course, I think mostly of all the work we have yet to do (like completely revamping the main library website), so it's nice that someone would mention us for what we have been trying to do so far.
Thanks for all those who commented. I am updating the list soon.
I have another one for you: the Lamson Library at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH. One of their librarians developed WPopac, an OPAC based on Wordpress:
WPopac's developer recently won the Mellon Award for Technology Collaboration:
Thanks Jeffrey, I look forward to seeing this one!
These comments have been invaluable to me as is this whole site. I thank you for your comment.
Thak you for wiki link
nice post
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