Wednesday, January 24, 2007

ALA Midwinter in Seattle

At some point I'll post some thoughts about ALA Midwinter, but at least I've gotten my pix uploaded to Flickr.
For a variety of reasons, this midwinter meeting was one of the most useful, practical and fun conferences I've been to. There were a few people that I had hoped to see and didn't (my fault for not reaching out--I always think "Oh, I'll run into them at..."), but generally speaking the social networking was superb, the meetings were highly informative, the food was yummy, as were the local spirits--what few sips I had here and there -- and the rain pretty much held off.
More when I get a chance.



At January 25, 2007 6:06 AM, Blogger Ahmed Adel Zidane said...

good efforts
with my best wishes more success

ahmed adel zidan
union arab catalog


At January 25, 2007 3:50 PM, Blogger Liz B said...

How funny that we totally missed each other!!

It was a great conference.

My pics are at and I'll be posting soon.

At January 25, 2007 8:58 PM, Blogger Janie L. Hermann said...

Great Pics, Pete and Liz. I am going to upload mine now, but I fear that a Seattle Summary might never occur as I am off for a ski holiday for 10 days tomorrow.

I can't believe that we missed seeing LizB and the other jersey bloggers that were in town. We will have to organize a blogger meet up at NJLA in April.

At February 12, 2007 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you haven't already seen "March of the Librarians", check it out:


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