LG is on 'New' blogger now, great but...

I've had some frustrations with the bugginess of blogger, and I know those frustrations have been shared by my fellow Library Garden bloggers. There's been some talk of moving to WordPress or Typepad, and even getting our own domain name. I have the next 10 days off so, among other things, I'm going to evaluate our blog hosting options and possibly move us to a new platform for January 1.
If you're subscribing to our feedburner feed, http://feeds.feedburner.com/LibraryGarden it'll be apples mates. I'll make sure that feed is updated with our new information and you won't need to do anything to keep receiving our fresh gardeny goodness. If you're subscribing to us through the blogger feed why not update now, just in case. :-)
OK, so here's new blogger's first test: I'm cutting and pasting the next line from MS Word. Let's see how blogger handles it. (drum roll please...)
Blogger test “number one” did this display the quotations marks properly??If so, maybe there's hope!
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Looks good to me!
I am a LiveJournal user and am very pleased with them - it's open source, which I appreciate, it allows threaded discussion, and the help folks have always gotten back to me quickly and informatively (when there've been any problems at all). So that's another option to consider.
Thanks Pete for all your work on LG, looks great!
The comment page looks fine in Firefox but very funky in IE and I am on latest tabbed version of IE. Hmmm...most curious.
Thanks Pete for switching us over. I was trying to post yesterday and couldn't because of issues with the old blogger and my account (which is a new blogger account). If I find the energy this weekend I will re-create the post.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Wonder whether this is the kick needed to move some of us away from blogger? I've had my blog name registered as a domain for about 6 months and will be spending my hols. setting up a really nice Wordpress template.
The last straw was when my husband was no longer receiving the feedburner feed in his Thunderbird client. Tried validating the feed and all sorts of strange bits and pieces are added to the RSS...think it's from blogger (ex beta), as it happened as soon as I switched.
(Now discovered that you can export your old posts from old blogger, but not the new version - oh..curses!)
Oh this can't be true. Surely our posts aren't trapped here if we decide to leave.
Take heart Janie, you are not trapped.
Yesterday I found a script to import posts and comments from blogger beta to Wordpress which I've used and was VERY pleased with.
If it's any help, I've outlined the steps/sites/plugins I used to migrate my blog to my new domain:
How to move your blog from Blogger Beta to Wordpress
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