Talk Good: Giving Effective Presentations

Since I started doing Toastmasters about two years ago I've been Furling every good piece of information I could find on how to be a better speaker and presenter. I mentioned this recently to some of my fellow Toasties and they asked me to share my links.
The pieces speak for themselves (no pun intended), so without extensive annotations, here are my top 10:
- Garr Reynolds (see also: his great blog, Presentation Zen):
- 10 Tips for a Killer Presentation, Neil Patel
- Get Your Message Across by Creating Powerful Stories, Kevin Eikenberry
- How to Change the World: World's Best Presentation Contest Winners There are some great examples of how to effectively use powerpoint.
- Bert Decker (Also see his blog, Create Your Communications Experience)
- How to Get a Standing Ovation, Guy Kawasaki
- Kathy Sierra (See also: her blog Creating Passionate Users which, sadly, is no longer being updated; but there's great archived content!)
- Effective Presentations: More than one way to impress an audience Dave Pollard
- All Presenting is Persuasive Guila Muir (see also: Guila's other training/presenting resources)
- A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods From Great ideas for how to use visually represent your ideas.
- BONUS LINK: The 5 Immutable Laws of Persuasive Blogging, Brian Clark.
Ostensibly written for bloggers, I'm finding that the "5 Laws" (provide value, have a hook, etc.) are also helpful in organizing talks and presentations.
Labels: Peter, Presentations, speaking
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