Gphone? Now we're talking pure technology bliss!

If I get one of the new generation phones, I don't want to have to re-invent the wheel.
No new calendar
No new photo program
No new notes
And please, no new desktop program that I have to upload to my computer and, possibly, have to constantly connect to in order to keep both phone and program in synch. Palm OS, I'm talking to you.
But what if Google made a phone and it was designed to work with all of my pre-existing apps, then we'd have something!
In a way, it is a backwards approach, creating the content before creating the hardware. Google already has all the applications in place along with millions of dedicated users. Creating a phone that will allow users to bring their pre-existing applications with them, without having to reset or rebuild, is an extremely enticing idea.
Just imagine, all of your mail, docs, notebooks, readers, photos, maps and videos readily available at a moment's notice. Yeah, I know you are probably already telling me that iphone, Treo and all the other ones have the ability to link to the mobile versions of these programs but it is not the same.
I'm talking about a phone where I place in my one username and password and then all the applications are ready-to-go (think a mobile version of google desktop); ideally, they are just a simple click away from the phone's desktop. No jumping to various websites and no downloads of new applications. Think plug'n'play, take'n'go w/ my phone.
The expectations for such a phone are huge, in fact, Gizmondo has already released their wishlist of apps they really want to see the phone contain.
The only thing I would add is that the "gphone" has an adequate harddrive right at the start... not a 4-8GB version that will become obsolete within the first 6 months of manufacturing.
Not mentioning anyone in particular, I'm just saying...
Labels: cell phones, Google, gphone, technology
While reading Gizmodo's wishlist I started feeling a cold, damp sensation on my chest. Then I realized I was drooling...
The only thing I would really want from a Google phone is complete and total control over my identity and privacy... It's pretty much a deal killer for me, and if you'll allow me to wax apocalyptic, the end of the world as we know it.
If the google/doubleclick deal goes through, and google gets you to use their portable device (with GPS! and wifi! and all your identity!) the Minority Report is only years from a manifest reality.
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