New ALALearning Post: Finding Your Voices

I have a new post up at the ALALearning blog (the official blog of the LearnRT: The Learning Round Table of ALA. Formerly CLENE. Say that three times fast!)
Check it out: Finding Your Voice(s)
Happily sharing this press release from Lori Reed, Board Member and Communications & Marketing Chair of the Learning Round Table of ALA
The name may be changing, but the mission of the “Learning Round Table of ALA” remains the same. The American Library Association’s round table dedicated to quality continuing education for library workers has changed its name from CLENERT to LearnRT.
Under its new name:
In addition to the name change the Round Table is sponsoring a new blog/website, “ALA Learning” (, which will feature training and learning news, information, best practices and thoughtful discussion from leading trainers and staff development practitioners in the library field.
Contributing authors include:
Membership in LearnRT is only $20, in addition to ALA membership dues. Among the many membership benefits, LearnRT members enjoy, through a unique agreement with the American Management Association, the following valuable AMA benefits:
To become a member of ALA’s Learning Round Table complete the ALA membership application:
(Please note that we may be listed as either CLENERT or LearnRT in various places until the name change has fully circulated throughout ALA.)
For more information about LearnRT contact Pat Carterette, president of LearnRT, at (404) 235-7124 or by e-mail at pcarterette[at]
For more information about contact Lori Reed, managing editor, at (704) 350-5421 or by email at webmaster[at]
Labels: ALA, ALAConnect, Peter
A new study by a bunch of Australians with too much time on their hands confirms what Library Garden has previously reported: Not working makes you a better worker.
The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not.Isn't that great? But wait, it gets better. There's even a new pseudoscientfic euphamistic acronym:
Study author Brent Coker, from the department of management and marketing, said "workplace Internet leisure browsing," or WILB, helped to sharpened (sic) workers' concentration.So the next time you're caught watching the sneezing baby panda video you can confidently look your supervisor in the eye and say, "Goofing off? Why no boss, I was WILBing. Scientific research has proven that a good Wilb makes me 9% more productive."
Labels: Friday Fun, Peter, productivity
Labels: organization, Peter
Do you have a staff training or staff development program you’re proud of? Would you like to present at ALA this summer?
If so, you’re invited to participate in the CLENE Training Showcase where you can share information about your program AND learn about the best practices of other libraries and organizations. The program is poster session style, and electricity and Internet can be provided if needed. Applications are due on April 1.
The Showcase will be on Sunday, July 12 from 1:30-3:30 pm. The planning committee looking for libraries, library organizations, presenters, speakers, and vendors to participate – anyone who has a great training or staff development program they’d like to share.
The Showcase normally attracts between 200-300 attendees over a period of 2 hours and there will be 20-30 presenters. It’s a really fun event with refreshments and lots of door prizes. Each participant has a 6’ draped table on which to put a portable table-top display unit, handouts or other related materials.
Please see CLENE Round Table Training Showcase website for more information. There’s a link on the main page for the Training Showcase Page with even more info about the Showcase, along with two online application forms – one for those wishing to participate and one for those want to be a sponsor or a donor.
There are a few photos from last year’s Training Showcase in Anaheim in the Dec. 2008 CLENExchange Newsletter as well as photos from previous years on CLENE's Flickr page. If it looks like everyone is having way too much fun, it's because we were!
For more information, contact either Pat Carterette, pcarterette[at] or404-235-7124 OR Melissa Lattanzi at lattanzm[at] or 330.847.7744, extension 12
Hope to see you there!!